Google AdWords Grants

Google AdWords Grants

Google Adwords Grants for Nonprofits offers $10,000/month to spent on Google search text ads.

Google Adwords Grants for Nonprofits is a great program for charities to help increase awareness, grow email lists, increase fundraising, improve event attendance and sales. Some of the most common misconceptions around this service are the amount and type of donation.
First of all, Google donates $10,000 per month in AdWords credit to qualifying charities and non-profits. Rather the donation is monthly as opposed to annually and there is no end to the donation.
Secondly, the key is that qualified applicants are receiving up to $10,000 of non-transferable Google Adwords credit and not $10,000 in cash. What this means is that program participants only receive credit for what they are able to use and the credit cannot be used for other Google advertising programs such as Google Display Ads or Youtube.
It should be noted that applicants also need to have a website using their own domain name and have what Google considers “substantial content”. In other words, it can’t just be a holding page.
Lastly,  acceptance from Google Adwords Grants usually takes 4-8 weeks, and accounts must remain active in order to maintain eligibility for the program.
It is important to note that some Charities and Non-profits are not eligible to participate in the program.

Who can’t apply:

  • government funded organization
  • hospital groups and medical centers
  • most types of academic institutions including schools and universities

Who can apply:

What are Google Adwords Ads?

Google adwords ads, are in otherwords PPC (pay per click ads) or google text ads. They are a type of advertising within the listings of a search engine result page.